Monday, December 3, 2012

We had our first marketing meeting on 11/27/12

The meeting was held at NYCEDA, LLC in midtown Manhattan.    Only students were able to make the meeting (undergraduate and graduate) despite the availability of telephone and video conference set up. None of the designers or counselors (CRC's) were able to make it.    I am thinking for this project to work we need to recruit students for all areas of the project.  All those present agreed.

Undergraduate students for their interest in volunteering in human and social services, graduate students for their interest in furthering their profession through the use of branding and design students who are hungry for some real experience and references.  

Student recruitment for the NYS CRC Marketing Committee is in progress... Our next meeting is in mid January but we have so much to do in the meantime.  

Friday, November 2, 2012

I am reaching out to designers and developers ...

on social media sites and design sites such as:

So far I have one marketing volunteer from a posting I did on
I have lots of rehab counselors volunteering for the marketing committee but need more graphic designers and branding professionals.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

 Starting Fall 2012

It will be interesting to see how a group of counselors and volunteers from the IT, marketing and design industries try to brand and create an identity for certified rehabilitation counselors in New York State.  One way we will know if we have succeeded, is if we become licensed in NYS within the next few years.  Our future is at stake.  Stay tuned... 

If you would like to join us, send me an email to:

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